
Now in the twilight of this lifetime, I am happily married to the same wonderful partner for over a half century (yeah, I’m old).  We are most fortunate to have raised four marvelous children, now with families of their own, well adjusted, scattered about, each in a different state of this great nation.   And, by the way, I doubt that any of them will agree with my philosophy here.

I was raised a fundamentalist Christian and served many years as a Southern Baptist Deacon.  By the time I reached middle age I simply found the belief too preposterous to accept any longer and am now very thankful that I finally opened my hand-me-down belief to question.  I have since found a much more acceptable belief, am now happy, refreshed and spiritually reassured.

3 thoughts on “About”

  1. Nice blog with a great intention! Thanks for following “Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean”. 🙂

  2. Great blog! I look forward to exploring it more.

  3. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Yay you! The award is on my blog:


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